"I guide people who are ready to live a life of wellness, vibrancy, and empowerment make nutrition and lifestyle changes that lead to lasting healing."

Hi, I’m Wynne!

I know you want to Age Vibrantly so you can live your best life and I also know it’s hard to do that when your symptoms are weighing you down.  

I’ve been there. 

My passion for natural healing, wholeness, and aging gracefully started with my own poor health, even as a health care professional.

I learned that symptoms were actually my friend and a wake up call to pay attention to and love myself more.

I learned that suffering comes from years of accumulated stress and not simply because we are getting older.  

I learned that vibrant aging is available to all of us when we release what is no longer serving us and replenish what is lacking.

I learned that toxic ways of thinking about ourselves and relating to others is just as damaging to our health as toxic chemicals in our environment.

I learned that advice promoted as, “healthy” actually makes people sick.

And, I have learned you can change how you feel in a few short weeks and sustain these results forever.

You can reclaim your energy, clear mind, pain free body and enjoy wearing clothes once again!

Once your symptoms melt away, you can travel or play with your children or grandchildren, start that business, garden, or do whatever makes you happy with nothing holding you back.

I have learned that doing less is actually doing more when reclaiming health and sustaining it.

Do you ever wish someone would take the time to listen to your story?  After all, if you’re not being heard, how can you expect to heal? 

I guide women and men who feel tired, achy, foggy, and frustrated their clothes don’t fit, finally take care of themselves so they heal, and age Vibrantly, Gracefully, and Authentically!

If you want to thrive and not just survive,

If you are ready to say yes to yourself,

If you are ready to reclaim your health, your truth and your best life, read on. . . 

Wynne Heilbrunn

Are these symptoms making you feel old? You can reverse them right now! See how…

  • I’m so happy you’re here.

    Kudos to you for taking the first step to giving YOURSELF the love and care you’ve given to others.

    I’m here to tell you the symptoms you’re experiencing are common but not normal. They have appeared because of 50 plus years of accumulation of stress, toxicites and resulting deficiencies.

    This is not your fault. We were not taught how to support our bodies to function at its best. We may have followed health advice which actually made us unwell. We also live in a toxic world and this presents a challenge to our health.

    Most people do not have an individualized path that identifies root causes of illness and a roadmap to restore health.

    I have figured this out for myself and now I guide other women to do the same. Here’s my story. . .

    A few years ago, I was experiencing fatigue, insomnia, joint pain, hives all over my face, brain fog (I couldn’t remember peoples’ names or where I parked my car) and weight fluctuation.

    I visited my medical doctor for my annual check up and she remarked my physical exam was normal.

    One week later, she called to inform me my bloodwork looked good except for one marker that was borderline elevated. I asked what that was and she said it was an autoimmune marker so it was possible an autoimmune disease could be brewing.

    Surprised and disturbed, I asked, “What can I do about that?”
    She replied, “Nothing. Just wait and see.”

    I never went back to that doctor. Waiting and seeing was not an option for me. My instinct told me there was a lot I could do to change the trajectory of my health.

    I was going through a divorce at that time and had breast implants and learned how these stressors contributed to my symptoms.

    I was fascinated to learn that stress also comes from our thoughts and beliefs. When we think negatively about ourselves, have limiting beliefs, say yes when we want to say no, people please to keep the peace and avoid conflict, the body ignites a stress response.

    When we are in that state, the body cannot heal.

    When I work with women, together, we identify stressors, some of which are hidden, and work on removing them. Perhaps your stressors include eating foods not right for your body, non restorative sleep, not getting the right exercise, environmental toxins, products you put on our skin, a dysbiotic gut and microbiome, hormonal imbalance, and/or clogged detox pathways.

    So many of us empty nesters became depleted after giving so much to our loved ones and not enough to ourselves. Perhaps you put your desires and dreams on hold. Perhaps it was easier to give others what they needed rather than figure out what YOU needed. This is stress too.

    So, about your symptoms. . . whether you experience fatigue, aches and pains, brain fog, weight gain, headaches, digestive issues, insomnia, anxiety, depression, or something else, they have been whispering or maybe even SHOUTING at you to start paying attention TO YOU.

    I created a healing plan, which reduced stress in my life and I am happy to say I now have vibrant energy, no joint pain, a clear mind, clear skin, and weight I feel comfortable with. I feel more vibrant now at 60 years old than I did at 50!

    This is not to say my life and health are perfect. Things come up and now I have the resources and tools to get back on track.

    So, I ask you a question . . . Have you surrendered your symptoms to the aging process, or do you wonder if you can feel better, age gracefully, and have vibrant energy to create the life you’ve always dreamed of?

    What would it feel like to jump out of bed every morning and be so excited to embrace the day without symptoms holding you back?

    If you are NOT willing to wait and see and ARE ready to take back your health and Age Vibrantly, Gracefully, and Authentically, I invite you to hit the button below to schedule a free call so we can explore if and how I can help you.

    I look forward to speaking with you!

Contact Wynne.
